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Volunteering is hugely rewarding and a fantastic way to support Homelink. Would you like to bring your skills, experience and abilities to help us to enhance the service that we offer?

We welcome adult volunteers of all ages and from all cultural backgrounds.  Training and support are available for all volunteers. 

Some of the volunteer roles currently available are:

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Centre volunteers

Centre volunteers play a vital role in supporting the smooth running of the centre. Whether serving meals or refreshments, laying tables, having a friendly chat, sharing a dance or leading a game of bingo, our volunteers bring warmth and enthusiasm. If you’d like to find out more about how you can join our friendly team, please get in touch.


Volunteer drivers are an essential part of Homelink, providing clients with safe transport to and from the centre. A lift from a friendly volunteer prepares our clients for an enjoyable day ahead and many of them rely on this service to be able attend the centre. If you have a full, clean driving licence and would like to find out more we would love to hear from you!

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Kitchen volunteers

Our kitchen volunteers play a crucial role in assisting our chef. If you enjoy lending a hand in the kitchen, for example, by loading and unloading the dishwasher, washing up or preparing vegetables, then we’d love you to get in touch to find out more. 


Are you a musician, singer, storyteller, or someone with a special talent who loves to bring joy to others? We are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to entertain our clients and brighten their day. Contact us to find out more about how you can share your talents to make a difference.


Do you have green fingers that you’d love to put to good use?  The sensory garden at Homelink is a lovely peaceful setting where our carers and clients can enjoy some fresh air and a natural environment.  If you could offer some time each week to help keep the garden beautiful, we would love to hear from you.

Fundraising and Events

We are always looking for fun and new ways to raise vital funds to support our work. There are lots of ways to get involved, from baking for a cake sale to organising a fundraising event, or running a tombola! To find out how you could help as a fundraising volunteer, please contact us for a friendly chat. 

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Do you have administrative skills that you’d love to put to good use?  Get in touch today to see how you might be able to help us!


Trustees play a vital role in ensuring that we meet our purpose, are compliant, act in our best interests, manage our resources responsibly, act with reasonable care and skill, and are accountable. We currently have a vacancy for a new Trustee. For more information and to apply, please click on the link below.

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"I retired in 2015 and after 6 months of resting I felt I needed to be “doing something” and I wanted to use the skills I had gained in my Social Work career. A chance meeting with the Volunteer Coordinator for Richmond led me to Homelink, who had just moved into a new building and as they say...the rest is history. 

Ten years on, I still get as much joy volunteering as the special people who attend Homelink. I have fun and I am amazed that every day is so different. I get such a thrill when what I call “a door is opened” moment happens - when someone who doesn’t often speak, will say your name, or can sing all the words and have a wonderful voice. Everyone is different! 

I think carers are doing an amazing job and if I can help to give them a break from their sterling work. I am more than willing to volunteer at Homelink."

Alison - Homelink Volunteer

Thanks to our volunteers
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